It was murder.
[The trees were filled with white blossoms
looking innocent in their silk petals.
The fires raged.
In the shadows of] 400 years of systemic racism
America (has) looted Black People.
[Rivers dried.
Whales beached on white sand,
and dolphin’s choked on white plastic.]
My vanishing country [died
while the president combed his hair.]
Anger rose
[to see the Divine murdered on the cross]
by a knee on the throat.
[The Holy was massacred.] I can’t breath.
[With his last breath
“America the Brave” tumbled and crumbled into dust.]
June 1, 2020 / Democracy Now / Amy Goodman
Small quotes from:
Women’s March Activist Tamika Mallory
Keenanga Yamahtta Taylor
Bakari Sellers
Cornel West