China implicitly blames Russia for latest outbreak.
Baseball set to lose $640,000 per game.
We need to be paying attention to earnings.

If these trends become the new normal,
Another $3 trillion coronavirus relief bill
Is optimized for penetration into human cells.

A key part of the financial picture,
Congress rapidly gave near-unanimous
Anti-China rhetoric on its official website.

In an extraordinary seven-minute speech,
Turley was one of the few willing to say
His plea was just the “tip of the iceberg.”

Petrovsky finishes the thought by suggesting
A “Holy Inquisition of false science”
Is likely to lead to a deep recession or depression.

The reason for the dichotomy is simple.
Former law enforcement and judicial officials [have]
Demanded the arrest of Bill Gates.

Found dead inside his home near Tel Aviv,
He touts the stock market as an indicator of
Multiple illegal leaks of classified information.

Casting aside concerns about the deficit,
He told the Russians not to overreact to sanctions.
These numbers are mentally hard to grasp.

Zoom’s market capitalization
Has been toxic to anyone interested.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

Source: Each line clipped from top nine blog posts at, 5/17/20.  

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The New Normal — J A Dixon – USA